Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Links! Getcher Hot Links!

Oh look! Links! Here, pretend it's a real blog post.
  • Okay, Under the Green Willow actually posted this on April Fool's Day, and I usually toss links that I've saved that long. But my sick and twisted sense of humor meant I just had to share: Under the Gruesome Willow. Every day of the year is the right one to ruin cherished picture-book memories. (Although to speak as a YA blogger for just a weensy second here, Criss-Cross and Zombies might have actually improved that book.)
  •  Susan Kusel, mommy and blogger and librarian and all-around-awesome gal, answers FAQs about Baby Storytimes over at Booklights. Being in the library world, I forget that this is a new and befuddling concept to many parents of babies. If you have a gummy drooler at your knees, ask your local library what they've got for them.
  • Abby (the) Librarian posted on almost the same day about the books she likes to read in Baby Storytime. Great booklist for board-book-seekers.
That's it for today!

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